Does Astrology Work to Make Life Better?

There is no clinical evidence present so far that can make us believe whether astrology works or not. But it has been a part of our civilization in every corner of the world. The Babylonians present us with some historic data that says people used to believe in this science since 2nd millennium BCE. And with time, it started traveling from Babylon to Greece, Egypt, China, and India. Now, almost half of the Indian population believes in astrology, including 73% Hindus, 63% Muslims, 59% Sikhs, and so on. Moreover, a recent survey conducted in the USA by the Pew Research Centre mentions that 27% of Americans believe in astrology. It is also quite popular in China as well as in the Islamic world. Therefore, defying it outright, which has been practiced by a large section of people across the world, does not seem to be justified.

Lack of concrete evidence calls it pseudoscience; by the token of that logic, no one is able to prove God in any circumstances, yet we all practice religion and believe in it as well. Astrology is basically the study of stars and planets in the sky and their effects on our lives. Now, the question arises here: do stars affect our lives or determine the course of life?

Many answers could be given here in support of this question: that stars cannot decide human life in any manner but one example is enough to make you believe that stars do have effect on our lives. The moon’s gravitational force creates tides on earth; science and geography both agree with this. Therefore, it appears to be futile to understand that stars and planets cannot affect human life on earth.

Effect of astrology on human life

Astrology fundamentally creates an atmosphere of possibility around you to overcome the challenges of material life. The world is full of unpredictability and uncertainties. It keeps changing every moment. In such a situation, you basically require a pause and a dose of possibilities in your vein to move on. Astrology has been performing very well on this front since its existence in the world.

 Stars help you understand the direction in the desert. In the same way, astrology can guide you in choosing the kind of direction in life that you love to take. So, astrology helps you dig out the passion that is required to achieve success.

 More importantly, astrology has become a noble profession. So, if consumers are there to consume, that is why it has become a profession for millions around the world. Astrology holds water genuinely.

 Moreover, it could perhaps be understood that astrology might have been a developed science in the past because a huge number of people have believed in astrology for ages across the world. It presents opportunities for scientists, philosophers, and researchers to act upon it to make it more practical and pragmatic.

 In the end, astrology holds a mirror before you to look at the multifarious images of your personality that live dormant in you. Astrologers do claim that it will make your life better if you understand your planets and stars properly. However, questions will always be raised about the veracity of astrology until some concrete, authentic evidence is presented to support it.


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