Religion is basically a way of life. It teaches you to grow in patience and remain calm in different situations. But, over the years, superstitions have seeped in to destroy the very foundation of religion. No religion has developed immunity to it, rather than all superstitions are nurtured by higher priests or religious leaders to infuse faith in people so that commercial aspects could be fulfilled.
In such a grave background, The Vatical has moved ahead to put a break on superstition practices that Christians have been performing over the years. The Vatican’s office has taken a very bold and practical decision to defy many myths and supernatural phenomena associated with weeping statues of the Virgin Mary. There are few religions in the world that can match the administrative conduct of the Catholic Church. In the recent overhaul, it went against its own doctrine issued in 1978 by citing practical consequences in the digital era, where every unscrupulous word can spread like wildfire to engulf many regions at once.
Now, the Vatican has evolved a new theory to give a green signal to any practices called “nihil obstat.” It will basically provide a sort of certificate tied to its faith and practices. It will not breach any rule of faith in terms of practices of faith. Taking it as precedence, every religion should follow the suit of the Vatican because religions are very simple to observe and follow. Superstitions and many malpractices make it complex, and people treat God as something that can fulfill all their desires, whether they qualify for it or not.
Whenever the world faces challenges, many superstitions spring up quite naturally, which are required to be nipped in the bud by the religious authorities. Religion may have been invented to make life simple and satisfying, but it eventually adds greed and sin. Confession, performing puja, and observing Roza cannot provide you with salvation from your wrong deeds; rather, these practices will help you control your emotions when things are not going according to your wishes and desires. Everything changes with time, but our religious practices are as old as the religion itself. It requires an overhaul like the Vatican has done quite recently to put a break on superstition manufacturers.