It is considered to be the most requisite ingredient to perform better in sales domain. Promises are made to attract the customers but if you don’t stand erect on made promises, you will fail to bring out any substantial result out of it. Then, the basic question arises here - what is the difference between a promise and a commitment?
A promise is defined as a statement that contains your intent. Your intent creates a space for you to showcase your product in the market, whereas a commitment is an action that is going to be kept no matter what. The word “commitment” is developed out of character that leads to conviction.
Imagine a world where people lack or don’t keep commitments, what would happen to relationships between employers and employees, buyers and sellers, product and services and so on?
Uncommitted relationships are hollow. It appears to be a matter of convenience that is very temporary in nature. If you lack the commitment, you are not going to woo your customers for long. In business, getting new customers are easy to find but retaining the old customers are hard to practice. It says a lot and lacking commitment creates “imbalance” in business proposition.
However, many professionals tend to confuse commitment with confinement. Commitment gives you more freedom and it also provides you a sense of security and fulfilment. It basically helps you create a value system in your organization which catapult you on the path of creating brand image that act as catalyst to upscale your products and services in the market. Therefore, it is very imperative to turn your promises into commitments that will inscribe your journey of success on the edict of your organizational goal and growth efficiently and competently.
Pankaj Kumar
11 months agoCommitment matter always