The majority believes that science is more important than literature, but if you delve deeper, your answer will be quite opposite, and vice versa. Einstein also says that imagination is more important than science. Literature deals with imagination, and science converts that imagination into reality. You retain concepts in terms of language. And, science is a fixed concept that is understood via language. Language cannot be retained in numbers.
Science has many concepts and formulas to solve the problem, but language has only one alphabet consisting of 26 letters. All the magic of literature is created through 26 letters. It is open and obvious, whereas science lives in layers.
Literature begins to develop when your imagination works tirelessly to entertain the mind by igniting emotions, whereas science works on imagination to make it happen in real life. However, when both subjects are put on the table to be examined through the spectacles of human experience and the value they create for society, literature weighs heavier. Literature is basically the bedrock of civilization and can surpass many scientific discoveries. Literature goes beyond time and space, fosters empathy, and shapes perception through emotional values. The development of science is restricted by time and space; emotional values are meaningless, and perceptions are formed based on facts and figures.
Literature acts as a teacher that deals with the complexities of human emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Science is behaving as a student that tries to understand the natural world in a nutshell. If it is understood properly, science develops a product to make it feasible on the ground. Science can help you lead a comfortable life whereas literature make you happy and create harmony in society.
Since science makes life easier and expands our horizons of growth, we all must have a basic understanding of it. Science is based on facts and experiments; its fundamental ideas have not altered throughout time. It is deeply ingrained in nearly every aspect of our lives and serves as the foundation for new technologies.
Though they are different in a few significant ways, as science works with precise figures, averages, and measurements, literature frequently describes in great detail the lives of one or a few people. You may experience hundreds of lives through literature and could learn something from each other. On the other hand, science provides tables and figures that we can all apply to real-world scenarios. You may apply the insights found in literature to science and daily life. We can use their theories in real life.
Many scientists agree that without literature, science would not work the same way. There is hardly anything that literature cannot teach us. Being proficient in it can only serve to enhance and speed up the teaching process. While science teaches us the HOW, literature teaches us the WHY.
So, in the end, we cannot decide whether literature is better than science, but yes, we can conclude that both (literature and science) are very important to make our lives better and happier. Literature gives us access to people's thoughts, whereas science takes their brains and assigns them to categories. As we are all emotional beings and literature relates to emotions rather than intellect, it will always be seen as more human. Some things are beyond the scope of science. We can gain some experience from literature, although it is a restricted, third-person kind of experience. Undoubtedly, experiencing a feeling is the only way to know what life is all about.
9 months agoGood observation
9 months agoGood observation
9 months agoGood observation