Saraswati: The Eternal Symphony of Wisdom and Light
In the stillness of dawn, where shadows retreat,
She emerges, a vision, with lotus-clad feet.
Her voice, a river of melodies untold,
Saraswati, the giver of wisdom, pure as gold.
Her eyes, twin pools of infinite grace,
Reflect the cosmos, its boundless space.
In her hands, the veena hums a sacred tune,
A symphony woven beneath the moon.
O seeker of truth, come sit by her stream,
Where knowledge flows like a luminous dream.
She whispers not in words, but in silken light,
Guiding the lost through the darkest night.
Her swan, so white, glides on waters serene,
A symbol of discernment, pure and keen.
For in the murky depths, it finds its way,
Choosing the nectar, leaving mud to decay.
Her veil is the mist of morning’s first light,
A shimmering curtain between day and night.
She parts it gently for those who dare,
To seek the truth beyond the glare.
In her laughter, the rivers find their song,
In her silence, the universe grows strong.
She is the thread in the loom of time,
Weaving the fabric of the sublime.
Her words are not spoken, yet they resound,
In the rustle of leaves, in the rain’s soft sound.
They echo in the chambers of the seeking heart,
A timeless rhythm, a divine art.
O Saraswati, your wisdom is a flame,
Unquenched by ages, ever the same.
You are the spark in the scholar’s mind,
The solace of the weary, the lost, the blind.
In your presence, ignorance melts like snow,
And the seeds of enlightenment begin to grow.
You are the dawn that breaks the night,
The star that guides the seeker’s flight.
Teach us to dance to the rhythm of your veena,
To find harmony in chaos, to see the unseen.
For in your music, the world finds its voice,
And in your light, all souls rejoice.
Let us be your swan, pure and wise,
Seeing truth beyond the disguise.
Let us glide on the waters of your grace,
And find our home in your embrace.
O Goddess of knowledge, of art, of song,
To you, our hearts and voices belong.
In your wisdom, we find our way,
O Saraswati, eternal, forever our stay.